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  • The Web3 “Buidler” Experience is Becoming Buttery Smooth ⚒️

The Web3 “Buidler” Experience is Becoming Buttery Smooth ⚒️

New DApp building tools are making life easier than ever for developers in the Web3 space

The Web3 development landscape is experiencing a transformative evolution, with a slew of cutting-edge tools and technologies making the creation and deployment of decentralized applications (DApps) more efficient and accessible than ever before.

In this post we delve into the latest trends shaping the Web3 builder ecosystem, highlighting the tools and innovations that are streamlining DApp development while enhancing the overall developer experience.


  1. Composable SDKs empower developers to mix and match components, simplifying code creation and allowing for faster, customized DApp development.

  2. Unified APIs streamline data access across different blockchains, saving developers from the hassle of writing separate code for each platform.

  3. The rise of no-code/low-code platforms opens doors for non-technical users, enabling them to participate in DApp development without the need for extensive coding skills.

  4. Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) provide a one-stop shop, improving developer workflow, and boosting productivity.

  5. Enhanced developer experiences (DX) in tools like Hardhat, Truffle, and Foundry facilitate smoother coding and debugging, enhancing the developer journey.

  6. Better support for multiple blockchains broadens the reach of DApps, allowing them to connect with diverse ecosystems.

  7. New features in tools like Foundry make it easier to make a dApp secure

We uncover in detail how these innovations are not just simplifying but also elevating the Web3 development experience, inviting developers to explore new horizons of innovation.

1) Composable SDKs 👪

Composable SDKs are a type of software development kit (SDK) that allows developers to mix and match different components from different SDKs to create custom solutions. This is particularly useful for Web3 builders, as it allows them to quickly and easily build custom DApps without having to write all of the code from scratch.

For example, a Web3 builder could use a composable SDK to combine a wallet SDK, a payment SDK, and a smart contract SDK to create a custom DApp that allows users to purchase and sell NFTs.

Some popular composable SDKs for Web3 builders include

  • Web3.js: Web3.js is a widely used JavaScript library that serves as a composable SDK tool, enabling developers to interact with the Ethereum blockchain and build decentralized applications (dApps) by providing a set of functions for smart contract interaction.

  • Ethers.js: Ethers.js is a powerful and composable JavaScript library for building decentralized applications (dApps) on the Ethereum blockchain. It offers a modular and extensible set of tools for interacting with Ethereum smart contracts and blockchain data.

  • Hardhat: Hardhat is a development environment and task runner for Ethereum-based projects, serving as a composable SDK tool. It facilitates the scripting, testing, and deployment of smart contracts while supporting plugins for extensibility.

  • Truffle: Truffle is a popular development framework and composable SDK tool for Ethereum that streamlines the process of creating, testing, and deploying smart contracts. It includes various features like testing, migrations, and build automation.

  • Foundry: Foundry is a composable SDK tool designed to simplify the development of decentralized applications (dApps) on the Filecoin network. It provides a set of libraries and tools to streamline Filecoin integration and smart contract development.

  • Moralis: Moralis is a composable SDK tool that simplifies blockchain development by providing backend infrastructure and services for decentralized applications (dApps). It offers features like user authentication, data storage, and real-time updates, making it easier for developers to build on blockchain platforms.

🔖 Case study: Building a DEX is seamless with composable SDKs

A standard DEX swap screen | Source: @d_oyakhilome, dribbble.com

Without composable SDKs, building a DEX would require a developer to write code for a number of different tasks, such as:

  • Connecting to a blockchain

  • Managing user wallets

  • Matching buy and sell orders

  • Executing trades

  • Preventing fraud

This would be a complex and time-consuming task.

However, with composable SDKs, a developer can build a DEX by simply combining different SDKs that provide the necessary functionality. For example, a developer could use one SDK to connect to the blockchain, another SDK to manage user wallets, and another SDK to match buy and sell orders.

This would save the developer a significant amount of time and effort, and it would also make the code more modular and reusable.

2) Unified APIs 🤝

Unified APIs are APIs that provide a single interface for accessing multiple different data sources or services. This can be very helpful for Web3 builders, as it can simplify the process of developing DApps that interact with multiple different blockchains or ecosystems.

Unified APIs | Source: Nordic APIs

For example, a unified API could provide a single interface for accessing data from Ethereum, Polygon, and Avalanche. This would allow a Web3 builder to develop a DApp that works on all three blockchains without having to write separate code for each one.

Some popular unified APIs for Web3 builders include

  • Moralis: Moralis is a unified API tool for blockchain development, offering backend infrastructure and services to simplify the creation of decentralized applications (dApps) by handling complex blockchain tasks.

  • WalletConnect: WalletConnect is a protocol that enables secure communication between decentralized applications (dApps) and mobile wallets, providing a unified API for seamless and user-friendly interactions with blockchain platforms.

  • Alchemy: Alchemy is a comprehensive blockchain developer platform that offers a unified API for building scalable and reliable decentralized applications (dApps), providing tools for blockchain infrastructure, data storage, and analytics.

  • Infura: Infura is a powerful infrastructure-as-a-service provider that offers a unified API for developers to access Ethereum and other blockchain networks without running their own nodes, simplifying the development process for decentralized applications.

  • Chainsafe: Chainsafe is a blockchain development company that provides unified API tools and solutions, including the Lodestar client for Ethereum 2.0, contributing to the advancement of blockchain technology through open-source projects and infrastructure development.

🔖Case study: Building a DApp is easier with Unified APIs

Building a DApp has become simpler with Unified APIs | Source: Metaschool

Imagine a Web3 developer tasked with building a decentralized application (dApp) that interacts with multiple blockchain networks. Without a unified API, the developer would need to navigate and integrate diverse blockchain protocols, manage node infrastructure, and handle varying data formats.

However, with a unified API like Moralis, the developer gains access to a single interface that abstracts the complexities of different blockchains. Moralis handles backend tasks such as user authentication, real-time data synchronization, and blockchain interactions. This streamlines the development process, allowing the developer to focus on the application's core logic rather than dealing with the intricacies of each blockchain.

Moralis also provides ready-made solutions for common challenges in Web3 development, such as managing user accounts, handling transactions, and retrieving blockchain data. This significantly accelerates development time, reduces the learning curve, and enhances the overall developer experience.

In essence, a unified API like Moralis simplifies the life of a Web3 developer by providing a cohesive and standardized interface, enabling them to build powerful decentralized applications more efficiently and with less effort.

3) No-code/low-code advancements 🍃

No-code/low-code platforms are becoming increasingly popular for Web3 development, as they allow developers to build DApps without having to write any code. This is particularly useful for non-technical users who want to build DApps but don't have the coding skills to do so.

These platforms offer a variety of features that make it easy to build DApps, such as drag-and-drop interfaces, pre-built templates, and integrations with popular Web3 services.

Some popular no-code/low-code platforms for Web3 builders

  • Bildr: A visual drag-and-drop platform for building and deploying Web3 applications without writing any code.

  • Bubble: A no-code platform for building web applications, including Web3 applications, without writing any code.

  • Moralis: A Web3 development platform that provides a variety of no-code/low-code tools, such as a smart contract builder and a wallet API.

  • Directual: A no-code platform for building and deploying Web3 applications, including decentralized websites and marketplaces.

  • Bunzz: A no-code platform for building and deploying smart contracts on Ethereum without writing any code.

  • ETH build: A low-code platform that provides a visual interface for building smart contracts and dApps on Ethereum. ETH build allows users to drag and drop components, connect them with wires, and test their logic in real-time.

  • Zapper : A no-code platform for Web3 that simplifies DeFi portfolio management, offering users an intuitive interface to track and optimize their decentralized assets across multiple protocols.

  • Gelato: A low-code platform empowering developers to automate decentralized applications on the blockchain, enabling seamless and programmable execution of smart contract-based tasks across various decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols.

🔖 Case study: Building a decentralized (NFT) marketplace is a breeze with no-code tools

You can build an NFT marketplace like this with little to no code now | Source: Widewalls

Without no-code/low-code tools, building a decentralized marketplace would require a developer to have a good understanding of Solidity, smart contracts, and blockchain development. The developer would need to write code to create the marketplace smart contract, deploy the contract to the blockchain, and build a front-end user interface for interacting with the smart contract.

This would be a complex and time-consuming task, especially for developers who are new to Web3 development.

However, with no-code/low-code tools such as Bildr, anyone can build a decentralized marketplace without writing any code. Bildr provides a visual drag-and-drop interface for creating smart contracts and building front-end user interfaces.

To build a decentralized marketplace using Bildr, the developer would simply need to:

  1. Create a new Bildr project and select the "NFT Marketplace" template.

  2. Configure the marketplace settings, such as the supported currencies and the fees charged for listing and selling NFTs.

  3. Deploy the marketplace smart contract to the blockchain.

  4. Build the front-end user interface for the marketplace.

Bildr provides a number of pre-built components for building NFT marketplaces, such as NFT galleries, listing forms, and bidding systems. The developer can simply drag and drop these components into the front-end editor to create their marketplace.

Once the marketplace is complete, the developer can deploy it to the blockchain and start using it to trade NFTs.

4) More integrated development environments (IDEs) 🧑‍💻

Web3 IDEs are becoming more popular, as they offer a one-stop shop for developing and deploying DApps. Web3 IDEs typically include a code editor, debugger, and compiler, as well as support for popular Web3 frameworks and libraries.

  • Remix: A popular cloud-based Web3 IDE that supports Solidity and popular Web3 frameworks and libraries.

  • Hardhat IDE: A new desktop IDE specifically designed for developing Ethereum DApps, with support for popular Web3 frameworks and libraries.

  • Truffle IDE: A desktop IDE specifically designed for developing Truffle DApps, with support for popular Web3 frameworks and libraries.

  • EthIDE: A desktop IDE specifically designed for developing Ethereum DApps, with support for popular Web3 frameworks and libraries.

  • Foundry IDE: A new desktop IDE specifically designed for developing Foundry DApps, with support for popular Web3 frameworks and libraries.

🔖 Case study: Debugging a smart contract is (almost) a piece of cake with Web3 IDEs

Without a Web3 IDE, debugging a smart contract would require a developer to use a command-line interface (CLI) to interact with the blockchain and debug the contract. This would be a complex and time-consuming task, as the developer would need to learn and use the CLI commands for interacting with the blockchain and debugging the contract.

However, with a Web3 IDE, a developer can debug a smart contract using a graphical user interface (GUI). This makes it much easier for the developer to debug the contract, as they can see the contract code and the variable values in a single view.

For example, the popular Web3 IDE Hardhat provides a number of features for debugging smart contracts, such as:

  • Step-by-step debugging: Allows the developer to step through the contract code line by line and inspect the variable values at each step.

  • Breakpoints: Allows the developer to set breakpoints in the contract code so that the debugger will stop at those points when the contract is executed.

  • Variable inspection: Allows the developer to inspect the values of variables in the contract code.

  • Call stack inspection: Allows the developer to inspect the call stack to see which functions have been called and in what order.

These features make it much easier for the developer to find and fix bugs in their smart contracts.

Here is a concrete example of how Hardhat could be used to debug a smart contract: 🐛 

A developer is building a smart contract for a decentralized exchange (DEX). The developer is having trouble with one of the functions in the contract, and they need to debug it to find and fix the bug.

The developer can use Hardhat to debug the smart contract by setting a breakpoint at the beginning of the function in question. When the DEX is deployed and a user calls the function, the debugger will stop at the breakpoint.

The developer can then inspect the variable values in the contract code to see what is causing the bug. The developer can also step through the contract code line by line to see how the bug is occurring.

Once the developer has found the bug, they can fix it and deploy the DEX again.

Web3 IDEs like Hardhat make it much easier for Web3 devs to debug smart contracts. By providing a GUI for debugging smart contracts, Web3 IDEs save developers a significant amount of time and effort.

5) Improved developer experiences (DX) ✨

Many Web3 builder tools are now offering more intuitive user interfaces and developer experiences, making it easier for developers of all skill levels to get started.

  • Hardhat : The new CLI includes a number of features that make it easier to use, such as autocompletion and tab completion. The new workflow for deploying DApps is also more streamlined and efficient.

  • Truffle : The new Truffle dashboard provides a more user-friendly way to manage and deploy DApps. The dashboard also includes a number of new features, such as the ability to monitor deployed DApps and debug smart contracts.

  • Foundry : Foundry includes a number of features that make it easier to write and debug Solidity code, such as type checking, code completion, and inline error messages.

  • Remix : Remix includes a number of features that make it easier to develop and deploy DApps, such as a code editor, debugger, compiler, and deployer. Remix also supports a variety of popular Web3 frameworks and libraries, such as Solidity, Hardhat, and Truffle.

🔖 Case study: Deploying a smart contract is smoother with improved developer experiences (DX)

Without improved DX features, deploying a smart contract would require a developer to manually compile the contract code, generate the ABI file, and deploy the contract to the blockchain. This would be a complex and time-consuming task, as the developer would need to learn and use the different tools and commands required for each step.

However, with improved DX features, a developer can deploy a smart contract with a single click. This is because Web3 IDEs like Hardhat and Remix now provide built-in deployment features that automate the entire deployment process.

To deploy a smart contract with Hardhat, the developer simply needs to click the "Deploy" button in the IDE. Hardhat will then compile the contract code, generate the ABI file, and deploy the contract to the blockchain.

To deploy a smart contract with Remix, the developer selects the "Deploy & Run Transactions" tab in the IDE and then clicks the "Deploy" button. Remix will then compile the contract code, generate the ABI file, and deploy the contract to the blockchain.

Improved DX features like these make it much easier for Web3 devs to deploy smart contracts. By automating the deployment process, improved DX features save developers a significant amount of time and effort.

6) Better support for multiple blockchains and ecosystems 🆘

Web3 builder tools are also becoming more versatile, with support for multiple blockchains and ecosystems. This makes it easier for developers to build DApps that can be deployed on multiple platforms, reaching a wider audience.

For example, Truffle, another popular Ethereum development environment, now supports a variety of blockchains, including Polygon, Avalanche, and Fantom.

🔖 Case study: Building a DApp that supports multiple blockchains is simpler for devs

Without better support for multiple blockchains and ecosystems, a developer would need to write separate code bases for each blockchain that they want to support. This would be a complex and time-consuming task, as the developer would need to learn and use the different development tools and languages for each blockchain.

However, with better support for multiple blockchains and ecosystems, a developer can write a single codebase that can be deployed to multiple blockchains. This is because Web3 development frameworks like Truffle and Hardhat now provide support for multiple blockchains, such as Ethereum, Polygon, and Avalanche.

For example, a developer can use Truffle to build a DApp that supports Ethereum, Polygon, and Avalanche. Truffle will automatically generate the necessary code for deploying the DApp to each of these blockchains.

This saves the developer a significant amount of time and effort, as they only need to write a single codebase for their DApp. It also makes the code more modular and reusable, as the developer can easily add support for new blockchains in the future.

Here is a concrete example of how Truffle could be used to build a DApp that supports multiple blockchains:

A developer wants to build a DApp that allows users to swap tokens between Ethereum, Polygon, and Avalanche. The developer can use Truffle to build this DApp, and Truffle will automatically generate the necessary code for deploying the DApp to each of these blockchains.

The developer can then deploy the DApp to each blockchain using the Truffle CLI. Once the DApp is deployed, users can swap tokens between Ethereum, Polygon, and Avalanche using the DApp.

Better support for multiple blockchains and ecosystems makes it much easier for Web3 devs to build and deploy DApps that support multiple blockchains. This is helping to accelerate the adoption of Web3, as it is making it easier for developers to reach a wider audience.

7) Features that make dApps more secure 🦺

Web3 builder tools are also adding new features that make it easier to ensure safety of a dApp.

For example, Foundry, a relatively new Ethereum development environment, offers a number of advanced features, such as support for type safety and modularity.

🔖 Case study: Building a secure and maintainable smart contract is easier than ever with tools like Foundry

Foundry makes it easier to write secure smart contracts | Source: https://www.paradigm.xyz/

Without type safety and modularity, a developer would need to manually check the code for errors and make sure that the code is well-organized and easy to maintain. This would be a time-consuming and error-prone task, especially for complex smart contracts.

However, with type safety and modularity, Foundry can help the developer to build secure and maintainable smart contracts.

Type safety helps to prevent errors in Solidity code by checking that the data types of variables and functions are correct. This can help to prevent a wide range of errors, such as null pointer exceptions and type mismatches.

Modularity helps the developer to break down the smart contract into smaller, more manageable modules. This makes the code easier to understand, maintain, and test.

For example, a developer could use Foundry to build a smart contract for a decentralized exchange (DEX). The developer could break down the DEX smart contract into the following modules:

  • Order book module: This module would manage the order book for the DEX.

  • Matching engine module: This module would match buy and sell orders.

  • Execution engine module: This module would execute matched orders.

The developer could then use Foundry's type safety features to check that the data types of variables and functions in each module are correct. The developer could also use Foundry's modularity features to test each module independently.

This would help the developer to build a secure and maintainable DEX smart contract.

Here is a concrete example of how Foundry's type safety features could be used to prevent an error in a smart contract:

A developer is writing a smart contract for a decentralized exchange (DEX). The developer wants to write a function that allows users to withdraw their funds from the DEX.

The developer accidentally writes the function so that it accepts a parameter of type address instead of address payable. This would allow users to withdraw their funds to any address, even if the address is not payable.

If the developer had used Foundry's type safety features, Foundry would have detected the error and prevented the developer from deploying the smart contract. This would have saved the developer from making a potentially costly mistake.

Foundry's support for type safety and modularity makes it a powerful tool for building secure and maintainable smart contracts. This makes life easier for Web3 devs, as it helps them to avoid errors and build high-quality code.

Conclusion ✅ 

In a rapidly evolving Web3 world, these innovative tools are not just simplifying but also elevating the development experience, beckoning developers to explore new realms of creativity and innovation.

As Web3 continues to redefine the digital landscape, embracing these trends and harnessing the power of composable SDKs, unified APIs, no-code/low-code platforms, integrated development environments, improved developer experiences, and better multi-blockchain support can be the key to unlocking a world of possibilities.